Dette mikroskopet er det perfekte verktøyet for nybegynnere. Denne kan kobles opp mot smarttelefon slik at du kan få bilder av observasjonene.

- LED transmitted light
- height adjustable microscope stage
- diaphragm wheel to adjust the light beam
- clamps to attach the microscope slides
- can be used anywhere thanks to battery operation
- extensive range of accessories for a quick entry into microscopy
Med i pakken:
- 1x microscope
- 3x prepared slides
- 8x microscope slides, labels and cover plates
- 2x specimens (yeast, shrimp eggs)
- 1x hatchery tank
- 3x sample vials
- 1x microcut
- 1x tweezers
- 1x pipette
- 1x small handheld magnifier
- 1x measuring jug
- 1x smartphone support
- 1x poster
- 2x AA batteries
- 1x manual